1 - Getting Started

This tutorial will teach you how to install Master-Selector and start using it!

Development Environment

Master-Selector is a template with PROS. You can use PROS in any development environment but it is most commonly used with Visual Studio Code (Although, Master-Selector was coded in CLion ).

For more instructions on how to use PROS, visit their getting started page.

Master-Selector Installation

Visit our GitHub and navigate to the releases page. Then download the latest release, it should look like Master-Selector@x.x.x.zip. Once you have downloaded that, move it to your project folder.

Next, open up your PROS terminal. You must run the following commands.

pros c fetch Master-Selector@x.x.x.zip
pros c apply Master-Selector@x.x.x

Of course, replace the x’s with your installed Master-Selector version.

Lastly, add this to your include/main.h file and you are ready to use Master-Selector!

#include "Master-Selector/api.hpp"

Next Guide: 2 - Using Master-Selector